The Warren

Magic: The Gathering Set / Zendikar

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Name Type(s) Mana Cost Rarity Foil Price Qty
Arrow Volley Trap Instant — Trap {3}{W}{W} uncommon R4.00 3
Baloth Woodcrasher Creature — Beast {4}{G}{G} uncommon R4.00 1
Beast Hunt Sorcery {3}{G} common R3.00 3
Bladetusk Boar Creature — Boar {3}{R} common R3.00 10
Blood Seeker Creature — Vampire Shaman {1}{B} common R5.00 1
Bog Tatters Creature — Wraith {4}{B} common R3.00 3
Bold Defense Instant {2}{W} common R3.00 2
Caller of Gales Creature — Merfolk Wizard {U} common R3.00 1
Cancel Instant {1}{U}{U} common R3.00 1
Caravan Hurda Creature — Giant {4}{W} common R3.00 4
Cliff Threader Creature — Kor Scout {1}{W} common R3.00 2
Crypt Ripper Creature — Shade {2}{B}{B} common R3.00 1
Demolish Sorcery {3}{R} common R3.00 12
Disfigure Instant {B} common R4.00 1
Electropotence Enchantment {2}{R} rare R9.00 1
Forest (ALTERNATE ART) (#246) Basic Land — Forest common R14.00 2
Forest (ALTERNATE ART) (#248) Basic Land — Forest common R14.00 1
Frontier Guide Creature — Elf Scout {1}{G} uncommon R4.00 5
Geyser Glider Creature — Elemental Beast {3}{R}{R} uncommon R4.00 4
Goblin Shortcutter Creature — Goblin Scout {1}{R} common R3.00 8
Goblin War Paint Enchantment — Aura {1}{R} common R3.00 9
Gomazoa Creature — Jellyfish {2}{U} uncommon R4.00 2
Guul Draz Vampire Creature — Vampire Rogue {B} common R5.00 1
Hagra Crocodile Creature — Crocodile {3}{B} common R3.00 2
Heartstabber Mosquito Creature — Insect {3}{B} common R3.00 1
Hedron Scrabbler Artifact Creature — Construct {2} common R3.00 2
Hellfire Mongrel Creature — Elemental Dog {2}{R} uncommon R4.00 2
Hideous End Instant {1}{B}{B} common R3.00 4
Highland Berserker Creature — Human Berserker Ally {1}{R} common R3.00 4
Inferno Trap Instant — Trap {3}{R} uncommon R4.00 3
Into the Roil Instant {1}{U} common R4.00 1
Island (ALTERNATE ART) (#234) Basic Land — Island common R7.00 4
Island (ALTERNATE ART) (#236) Basic Land — Island common R24.00 2
Island (ALTERNATE ART) (#237) Basic Land — Island common R7.00 1
Island (ALTERNATE ART) (#235) Basic Land — Island common [FOIL] R130.00 1
Kabira Crossroads Land common R6.00 1
Kabira Evangel Creature — Human Cleric Ally {2}{W} rare [FOIL] R27.00 1
Kazandu Blademaster Creature — Human Soldier Ally {W}{W} uncommon R6.00 3
Kor Aeronaut Creature — Kor Soldier {W}{W} uncommon R4.00 1
Kor Cartographer Creature — Kor Scout {3}{W} common R5.00 6
Kor Hookmaster Creature — Kor Soldier {2}{W} common R3.00 2
Kor Sanctifiers Creature — Kor Cleric {2}{W} common R3.00 3
Kraken Hatchling Creature — Kraken {U} common R3.00 1
Landbind Ritual Sorcery {3}{W}{W} uncommon R4.00 3
Magma Rift Sorcery {2}{R} common R3.00 7
Makindi Shieldmate Creature — Kor Soldier Ally {2}{W} common R3.00 1
Mindless Null Creature — Zombie {2}{B} common R3.00 1
Mold Shambler Creature — Fungus Beast {3}{G} common R3.00 7
Molten Ravager Creature — Elemental {2}{R} common R3.00 5
Mountain (ALTERNATE ART) (#242) Basic Land — Mountain common R6.00 7
Mountain (ALTERNATE ART) (#243) Basic Land — Mountain common R6.00 3
Mountain (ALTERNATE ART) (#245) Basic Land — Mountain common R7.00 3
Murasa Pyromancer Creature — Human Shaman Ally {4}{R}{R} uncommon R4.00 1
Narrow Escape Instant {2}{W} common R3.00 4
Nimana Sell-Sword Creature — Human Warrior Ally {3}{B} common R3.00 2
Nimbus Wings Enchantment — Aura {1}{W} common R3.00 4
Noble Vestige Creature — Spirit {2}{W} common R3.00 5
Oracle of Mul Daya (#Asian) Creature — Elf Shaman {3}{G} rare R105.00 1
Oran-Rief Recluse Creature — Spider {2}{G} common R3.00 1
Pillarfield Ox Creature — Ox {3}{W} common R3.00 1
Plains (ALTERNATE ART) (#230) Basic Land — Plains common R7.00 2
Plains (ALTERNATE ART) (#231) Basic Land — Plains common R7.00 2
Plains (ALTERNATE ART) (#232) Basic Land — Plains common R6.00 6
Plated Geopede Creature — Insect {1}{R} common R4.00 12
Predatory Urge Enchantment — Aura {3}{G} rare R9.00 2
Primal Bellow Instant {G} uncommon R4.00 3
Quest for Ancient Secrets Enchantment {U} uncommon R4.00 2
Ravenous Trap Instant — Trap {2}{B}{B} uncommon R7.00 1
Reckless Scholar Creature — Human Wizard {2}{U} common R3.00 4
Relic Crush Instant {4}{G} common R3.00 4
River Boa Creature — Snake {1}{G} uncommon R5.00 6
Ruinous Minotaur Creature — Minotaur Warrior {1}{R}{R} common R3.00 1
Runeflare Trap Instant — Trap {4}{R}{R} uncommon R4.00 2
Runeflare Trap Instant — Trap {4}{R}{R} uncommon [FOIL] R8.00 1
Savage Silhouette Enchantment — Aura {2}{G} common R3.00 4
Scythe Tiger Creature — Cat {G} common R4.00 4
Seascape Aerialist Creature — Merfolk Wizard Ally {4}{U} uncommon R4.00 1
Seismic Shudder Instant {1}{R} common R3.00 8
Shatterskull Giant Creature — Giant Warrior {2}{R}{R} common R3.00 8
Shieldmate's Blessing Instant {W} common R3.00 3
Shoal Serpent Creature — Serpent {5}{U} common R3.00 2
Shoal Serpent Creature — Serpent {5}{U} common [FOIL] R5.00 1
Slaughter Cry Instant {2}{R} common R3.00 7
Soaring Seacliff Land common R3.00 1
Soul Stair Expedition Enchantment {B} common R3.00 2
Sphinx of Lost Truths Creature — Sphinx {3}{U}{U} rare R9.00 2
Spire Barrage Sorcery {4}{R} common R3.00 10
Surrakar Marauder Creature — Surrakar {1}{B} common R3.00 3
Swamp (ALTERNATE ART) (#238) Basic Land — Swamp common R14.00 3
Swamp (ALTERNATE ART) (#239) Basic Land — Swamp common R6.00 4
Swamp (ALTERNATE ART) (#240) Basic Land — Swamp common R7.00 1
Swamp (ALTERNATE ART) (#241) Basic Land — Swamp common R6.00 6
Tempest Owl Creature — Bird {1}{U} common R3.00 2
Territorial Baloth Creature — Beast {4}{G} common R3.00 5
Timbermaw Larva Creature — Beast {3}{G} common R3.00 4
Torch Slinger Creature — Goblin Shaman {2}{R} common R3.00 8
Trapfinder's Trick Sorcery {1}{U} common R3.00 3
Tuktuk Grunts Creature — Goblin Warrior Ally {4}{R} common R3.00 1
Turntimber Grove Land common R4.00 9
Umara Raptor Creature — Bird Ally {2}{U} common R3.00 1
Vampire Lacerator Creature — Vampire Warrior {B} common R3.00 2
Vampire Nighthawk Creature — Vampire Shaman {1}{B}{B} uncommon R8.00 1
Vampire's Bite Instant {B} common R4.00 8
Vastwood Gorger Creature — Wurm {5}{G} common R3.00 6
Welkin Tern Creature — Bird {1}{U} common R3.00 1
Windborne Charge Sorcery {2}{W}{W} uncommon R4.00 1
Windrider Eel Creature — Fish {3}{U} common R3.00 2
Zektar Shrine Expedition Enchantment {1}{R} common R3.00 3
Zendikar Farguide Creature — Elemental {4}{G} common R3.00 2


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