The Warren

Magic: The Gathering Set / Unfinity

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Name Type(s) Mana Cost Rarity Foil Price Qty
Captain Rex Nebula Legendary Creature — Human Pilot Employee {1}{R}{W} rare R7.00 1
Exchange of Words Enchantment {1}{U}{U} rare [FOIL] R15.00 2
Glitterflitter Creature — Faerie Performer {2}{U} common R3.00 1
Grabby Tabby Creature — Cat Guest {3}{G} common R3.00 1
Grand Marshal Macie Legendary Creature — Human Performer {1}{W}{B} mythic R7.00 1
Hat Trick Instant {1}{W} common R3.00 1
How Is This a Par Three?! Enchantment {2}{U}{U} rare R9.00 1
Icing Manipulator Creature — Human Employee {1}{G} uncommon R3.00 1
Katerina of Myra's Marvels (#Showcase) Legendary Creature — Human Performer {2}{W}{W} rare [FOIL] R7.00 1
Minotaur de Force Creature — Minotaur Performer {1}{R} common R3.00 1
Mountain (ALTERNATE ART) (#489) Basic Land — Mountain common [FOIL] R18.00 1
Roxi, Publicist to the Stars Legendary Creature — Human Employee {2}{U}{R} uncommon R3.00 1
Ticking Mime Bomb Artifact Creature — Clown Robot Mime {3}{R} uncommon R3.00 1
Vedalken Squirrel-Whacker Creature — Vedalken Guest {3}{U} rare R9.00 1


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