The Warren

Magic: The Gathering Set / Ultimate Masters

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Name Type(s) Mana Cost Rarity Foil Price Qty
Aethersnipe Creature — Elemental {5}{U} common R3.00 3
Aethersnipe Creature — Elemental {5}{U} common [FOIL] R4.00 1
Ancient Tomb Land rare R1,805.00 1
Appetite for Brains Sorcery {B} uncommon R4.00 2
Arena Athlete Creature — Human {1}{R} common R3.00 1
Basking Rootwalla Creature — Lizard {G} common R4.00 1
Blast of Genius Sorcery {4}{U}{R} uncommon R4.00 1
Bloodflow Connoisseur Creature — Vampire {2}{B} common R4.00 2
Brazen Scourge Creature — Gremlin {1}{R}{R} uncommon R4.00 1
Bridge from Below Enchantment {B}{B}{B} rare R28.00 1
Canker Abomination Creature — Treefolk Horror {2}{BG}{BG} common R3.00 4
Celestial Colonnade Land rare R11.00 2
Containment Priest Creature — Human Cleric {1}{W} rare R10.00 2
Crow of Dark Tidings Creature — Zombie Bird {2}{B} common R3.00 1
Crushing Canopy Instant {2}{G} common R3.00 3
Deranged Assistant Creature — Human Wizard {1}{U} common R3.00 2
Dig Through Time Instant {6}{U}{U} rare R17.00 2
Engineered Explosives Artifact {X} rare R200.00 1
Faith's Fetters Enchantment — Aura {3}{W} common R3.00 4
Firewing Phoenix Creature — Phoenix {3}{R} uncommon R4.00 1
Flight of Fancy Enchantment — Aura {3}{U} common R3.00 1
Fulminator Mage Creature — Elemental Shaman {1}{BR}{BR} rare R36.00 4
Furnace Celebration Enchantment {1}{R}{R} uncommon R4.00 3
Ghoulcaller's Accomplice Creature — Human Rogue {1}{B} common R3.00 4
Glen Elendra Archmage Creature — Faerie Wizard {3}{U} rare [FOIL] R209.00 1
Gods Willing Instant {W} common R3.00 1
Icatian Crier Creature — Human Spellshaper {2}{W} common R3.00 3
Iridescent Drake Creature — Drake {3}{U} uncommon R4.00 1
Just the Wind Instant {1}{U} common R3.00 4
Karakas Legendary Land mythic R285.00 3
Kitchen Finks Creature — Ouphe {1}{GW}{GW} uncommon R10.00 3
Kitchen Finks Creature — Ouphe {1}{GW}{GW} uncommon [FOIL] R16.00 1
Last Gasp Instant {1}{B} common R3.00 2
Life from the Loam Sorcery {1}{G} rare R162.00 1
Living Lore Creature — Avatar {3}{U} uncommon R4.00 1
Living Lore Creature — Avatar {3}{U} uncommon [FOIL] R7.00 1
Lotus-Eye Mystics Creature — Human Monk {3}{W} common R3.00 3
Mad Prophet Creature — Human Shaman {3}{R} common R3.00 3
Magmaw Creature — Elemental {3}{R}{R} uncommon R4.00 2
Magus of the Bazaar Creature — Human Wizard {1}{U} rare R9.00 3
Mahamoti Djinn Creature — Djinn {4}{U}{U} uncommon R4.00 2
Malevolent Whispers Sorcery {3}{R} uncommon R4.00 1
Mark of the Vampire Enchantment — Aura {3}{B} common R3.00 2
Miming Slime Sorcery {2}{G} common R3.00 3
Molten Birth Sorcery {1}{R}{R} common R3.00 3
Nightbird's Clutches Sorcery {1}{R} common R3.00 3
Nightbird's Clutches Sorcery {1}{R} common [FOIL] R4.00 1
Nourishing Shoal Instant — Arcane {X}{G}{G} rare R11.00 3
Offalsnout Creature — Elemental {2}{B} common R3.00 2
Patchwork Gnomes Artifact Creature — Gnome {3} common R3.00 1
Rakdos Shred-Freak Creature — Human Berserker {BR}{BR} common R3.00 3
Rakdos Shred-Freak Creature — Human Berserker {BR}{BR} common [FOIL] R4.00 1
Reckless Wurm Creature — Wurm {3}{R}{R} common R3.00 1
Repel the Darkness Instant {2}{W} common R3.00 4
Reviving Vapors Instant {2}{W}{U} uncommon R4.00 1
Rolling Temblor Sorcery {2}{R} uncommon R4.00 1
Rolling Temblor Sorcery {2}{R} uncommon [FOIL] R7.00 1
Rune Snag Instant {1}{U} common R5.00 1
Runed Halo Enchantment {W}{W} rare R9.00 8
Safehold Elite Creature — Elf Scout {1}{GW} common R5.00 2
Sanitarium Skeleton Creature — Skeleton {B} common R3.00 2
Scuzzback Marauders Creature — Goblin Warrior {4}{RG} common R4.00 1
Shed Weakness Instant {G} common R3.00 4
Shielding Plax Enchantment — Aura {2}{GU} common R3.00 1
Skyspear Cavalry Creature — Human Soldier {3}{W}{W} common R3.00 6
Skyspear Cavalry Creature — Human Soldier {3}{W}{W} common [FOIL] R4.00 1
Skywing Aven Creature — Bird Soldier {2}{U} common R3.00 1
Snapcaster Mage Creature — Human Wizard {1}{U} mythic R419.00 1
Snapcaster Mage Creature — Human Wizard {1}{U} mythic [FOIL] R612.00 2
Sparkspitter Creature — Elemental Spellshaper {2}{R} common R3.00 1
Spirit Cairn Enchantment {2}{W} uncommon R4.00 1
Spoils of the Vault Instant {B} rare R15.00 2
Stingerfling Spider Creature — Spider {4}{G} uncommon R4.00 2
Stitched Drake Creature — Zombie Drake {1}{U}{U} common R3.00 3
Stitcher's Apprentice Creature — Homunculus {1}{U} common R3.00 4
Sublime Archangel Creature — Angel {2}{W}{W} rare R54.00 2
Sultai Skullkeeper Creature — Snake Shaman {1}{U} common R3.00 3
Sultai Skullkeeper Creature — Snake Shaman {1}{U} common [FOIL] R4.00 1
Swift Reckoning Sorcery {1}{W} uncommon R4.00 2
Thespian's Stage Land rare R37.00 1
Think Twice Instant {1}{U} common R4.00 1
Through the Breach Instant — Arcane {4}{R} rare R57.00 1
Travel Preparations Sorcery {1}{G} uncommon R4.00 1
Twins of Maurer Estate Creature — Vampire {4}{B} common R3.00 1
Undying Rage Enchantment — Aura {2}{R} common R3.00 3
Unholy Hunger Instant {3}{B}{B} common R3.00 3
Vengeful Rebirth Sorcery {4}{R}{G} uncommon R4.00 2
Verdant Eidolon Creature — Spirit {3}{G} common R3.00 3
Verdant Eidolon Creature — Spirit {3}{G} common [FOIL] R4.00 1
Walker of the Grove Creature — Elemental {6}{G}{G} common R3.00 3
Wall of Reverence Creature — Spirit Wall {3}{W} rare R35.00 2
Wandering Champion Creature — Human Monk {1}{W} common R3.00 3
Whirlwind Adept Creature — Djinn Monk {4}{U} common R4.00 2
Whirlwind Adept Creature — Djinn Monk {4}{U} common [FOIL] R5.00 1
Wild Hunger Instant {2}{G} uncommon R4.00 1
Wingsteed Rider Creature — Human Knight {1}{W}{W} common R3.00 2


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