The Warren

Magic: The Gathering Set / Ravnica Remastered

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Name Type(s) Mana Cost Rarity Foil Price Qty
Assure // Assemble Instant {GW}{GW} rare R7.00 2
Blazing Archon Creature — Archon {6}{W}{W}{W} rare R10.00 2
Blazing Archon (#Retro) Creature — Archon {6}{W}{W}{W} rare R7.00 1
Borborygmos Enraged (#Retro) Legendary Creature — Cyclops {4}{R}{R}{G}{G} rare R8.00 1
Cloudfin Raptor (#Retro) Creature — Bird Mutant {U} common [FOIL] R19.00 1
Disembowel Instant {X}{B} common R3.00 2
Infernal Tutor Sorcery {1}{B} rare R10.00 1
Infernal Tutor (#Retro) Sorcery {1}{B} rare R9.00 1
Phytohydra Creature — Plant Hydra {2}{G}{W}{W} rare R7.00 1
Pteramander (#Retro) Creature — Salamander Drake {U} uncommon [FOIL] R12.00 1
Response // Resurgence Instant {RW}{RW} rare R9.00 1
Sword of the Paruns Artifact — Equipment {4} rare R15.00 2
Thrash // Threat Instant {RG}{RG} rare R7.00 1
Voidslime Instant {G}{U}{U} rare R15.00 1
Voidslime (#Retro) Instant {G}{U}{U} rare R14.00 1
Warrant // Warden Instant {WU}{WU} rare R7.00 1


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