The Warren

Magic: The Gathering Set / Oath of the Gatewatch

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Name Type(s) Mana Cost Rarity Foil Price Qty
Abstruse Interference Instant {2}{U} common R3.00 24
Affa Protector Creature — Human Soldier Ally {2}{W} common R3.00 24
Affa Protector Creature — Human Soldier Ally {2}{W} common [FOIL] R4.00 1
Akoum Flameseeker Creature — Human Shaman Ally {2}{R} common R3.00 24
Akoum Flameseeker Creature — Human Shaman Ally {2}{R} common [FOIL] R5.00 1
Allied Reinforcements Sorcery {3}{W} uncommon R4.00 17
Allied Reinforcements Sorcery {3}{W} uncommon [FOIL] R5.00 1
Ancient Crab Creature — Crab {1}{U}{U} common R3.00 24
Ancient Crab Creature — Crab {1}{U}{U} common [FOIL] R5.00 1
Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim Legendary Creature — Kor Cleric {W}{B} rare [FOIL] R95.00 1
Baloth Null Creature — Zombie Beast {4}{B}{G} uncommon R4.00 18
Baloth Null Creature — Zombie Beast {4}{B}{G} uncommon [FOIL] R7.00 1
Baloth Pup Creature — Beast {1}{G} uncommon R4.00 21
Baloth Pup Creature — Beast {1}{G} uncommon [FOIL] R6.00 1
Bearer of Silence Creature — Eldrazi {1}{B} rare R9.00 9
Bearer of Silence Creature — Eldrazi {1}{B} rare [FOIL] R19.00 1
Birthing Hulk Creature — Eldrazi Drone {6}{G} uncommon R4.00 8
Birthing Hulk Creature — Eldrazi Drone {6}{G} uncommon [FOIL] R9.00 1
Blinding Drone Creature — Eldrazi Drone {1}{U} common R3.00 24
Blinding Drone Creature — Eldrazi Drone {1}{U} common [FOIL] R5.00 2
Bonds of Mortality Enchantment {1}{G} uncommon R6.00 13
Bonds of Mortality Enchantment {1}{G} uncommon [FOIL] R26.00 2
Bone Saw Artifact — Equipment {0} common R3.00 22
Boulder Salvo Sorcery {4}{R} common R3.00 24
Boulder Salvo Sorcery {4}{R} common [FOIL] R4.00 1
Brute Strength Instant {1}{R} common R3.00 24
Brute Strength Instant {1}{R} common [FOIL] R5.00 1
Call the Gatewatch Sorcery {2}{W} rare R9.00 2
Call the Gatewatch Sorcery {2}{W} rare [FOIL] R19.00 1
Canopy Gorger Creature — Wurm {4}{G}{G} common R3.00 24
Canopy Gorger Creature — Wurm {4}{G}{G} common [FOIL] R5.00 2
Captain's Claws Artifact — Equipment {2} rare R9.00 1
Chitinous Cloak Artifact — Equipment {3} uncommon R4.00 18
Chitinous Cloak Artifact — Equipment {3} uncommon [FOIL] R9.00 2
Cinder Barrens Land uncommon R4.00 24
Cinder Barrens Land uncommon [FOIL] R9.00 1
Cinder Hellion Creature — Hellion {4}{R} common R3.00 24
Cinder Hellion Creature — Hellion {4}{R} common [FOIL] R4.00 1
Cliffhaven Vampire Creature — Vampire Warrior Ally {2}{W}{B} uncommon [FOIL] R90.00 1
Comparative Analysis Instant {3}{U} common R3.00 24
Comparative Analysis Instant {3}{U} common [FOIL] R7.00 1
Consuming Sinkhole Instant {3}{R} common R3.00 24
Consuming Sinkhole Instant {3}{R} common [FOIL] R4.00 1
Containment Membrane Enchantment — Aura {2}{U} common R3.00 22
Containment Membrane Enchantment — Aura {2}{U} common [FOIL] R5.00 1
Corpse Churn Instant {1}{B} common R3.00 23
Corrupted Crossroads Land rare R8.00 4
Corrupted Crossroads Land rare [FOIL] R10.00 1
Crumbling Vestige Land common R4.00 16
Crumbling Vestige Land common [FOIL] R10.00 1
Crush of Tentacles Sorcery {4}{U}{U} mythic [FOIL] R60.00 1
Cultivator Drone Creature — Eldrazi Drone {2}{U} common R3.00 24
Cultivator Drone Creature — Eldrazi Drone {2}{U} common [FOIL] R9.00 1
Cyclone Sire Creature — Elemental {4}{U} uncommon R4.00 16
Cyclone Sire Creature — Elemental {4}{U} uncommon [FOIL] R6.00 3
Dazzling Reflection Instant {1}{W} common R3.00 22
Dazzling Reflection Instant {1}{W} common [FOIL] R5.00 1
Deceiver of Form Creature — Eldrazi {6}{C} rare R9.00 3
Devour in Flames Sorcery {2}{R} uncommon R4.00 20
Devour in Flames Sorcery {2}{R} uncommon [FOIL] R7.00 1
Dimensional Infiltrator Creature — Eldrazi {1}{U} rare R9.00 7
Dimensional Infiltrator Creature — Eldrazi {1}{U} rare [FOIL] R11.00 2
Drana's Chosen Creature — Vampire Shaman Ally {3}{B} rare R7.00 9
Drana's Chosen Creature — Vampire Shaman Ally {3}{B} rare [FOIL] R9.00 1
Dread Defiler Creature — Eldrazi {6}{B} rare R9.00 10
Dread Defiler Creature — Eldrazi {6}{B} rare [FOIL] R19.00 1
Eldrazi Aggressor Creature — Eldrazi Drone {2}{R} common R3.00 24
Eldrazi Aggressor Creature — Eldrazi Drone {2}{R} common [FOIL] R5.00 1
Eldrazi Obligator Creature — Eldrazi {2}{R} rare R8.00 9
Elemental Uprising Instant {1}{G} common R3.00 24
Elemental Uprising Instant {1}{G} common [FOIL] R5.00 1
Embodiment of Fury Creature — Elemental {3}{R} uncommon R4.00 21
Embodiment of Fury Creature — Elemental {3}{R} uncommon [FOIL] R7.00 1
Embodiment of Insight Creature — Elemental {4}{G} uncommon R4.00 3
Endbringer Creature — Eldrazi {5}{C} rare [FOIL] R48.00 1
Endbringer (PRERELEASE) Creature — Eldrazi {5}{C} rare [FOIL] R22.00 1
Endbringer (LAUNCH) Creature — Eldrazi {5}{C} rare [FOIL] R22.00 13
Essence Depleter Creature — Eldrazi Drone {2}{B} uncommon R4.00 4
Essence Depleter Creature — Eldrazi Drone {2}{B} uncommon [FOIL] R8.00 1
Expedite Instant {R} common [FOIL] R69.00 1
Expedition Raptor Creature — Bird {3}{W}{W} common R3.00 24
Expedition Raptor Creature — Bird {3}{W}{W} common [FOIL] R4.00 1
Flayer Drone Creature — Eldrazi Drone {1}{B}{R} uncommon R4.00 13
Flayer Drone Creature — Eldrazi Drone {1}{B}{R} uncommon [FOIL] R11.00 1
Flaying Tendrils Sorcery {1}{B}{B} uncommon R4.00 12
Flaying Tendrils Sorcery {1}{B}{B} uncommon [FOIL] R9.00 1
Flaying Tendrils (PROMO) (#FNM) Sorcery {1}{B}{B} uncommon [FOIL] R9.00 13
General Tazri Legendary Creature — Human Ally {4}{W} mythic R13.00 2
General Tazri Legendary Creature — Human Ally {4}{W} mythic [FOIL] R65.00 1
General Tazri (PRERELEASE) Legendary Creature — Human Ally {4}{W} mythic [FOIL] R99.00 1
Gift of Tusks Instant {U} uncommon R4.00 12
Gift of Tusks Instant {U} uncommon [FOIL] R6.00 2
Gladehart Cavalry Creature — Elf Knight {5}{G}{G} rare R9.00 7
Gladehart Cavalry Creature — Elf Knight {5}{G}{G} rare [FOIL] R19.00 1
Goblin Dark-Dwellers Creature — Goblin {3}{R}{R} rare [FOIL] R19.00 1
Goblin Dark-Dwellers (PROMO) (#BuyaBForeign) Creature — Goblin {3}{R}{R} rare [FOIL] R19.00 1
Goblin Dark-Dwellers (PROMO) (#BuyBox) Creature — Goblin {3}{R}{R} rare [FOIL] R19.00 2
Goblin Freerunner Creature — Goblin Warrior Ally {3}{R} common R3.00 24
Goblin Freerunner Creature — Goblin Warrior Ally {3}{R} common [FOIL] R6.00 1
Grasp of Darkness Instant {B}{B} uncommon R4.00 3
Grasp of Darkness Instant {B}{B} uncommon [FOIL] R10.00 1
Gravity Negator Creature — Eldrazi Drone {3}{U} common R3.00 24
Gravity Negator Creature — Eldrazi Drone {3}{U} common [FOIL] R6.00 1
Grip of the Roil Instant {2}{U} uncommon R4.00 23
Grip of the Roil Instant {2}{U} uncommon [FOIL] R7.00 1
Harvester Troll Creature — Troll {3}{G} uncommon R4.00 15
Harvester Troll Creature — Troll {3}{G} uncommon [FOIL] R6.00 1
Havoc Sower Creature — Eldrazi Drone {3}{B} uncommon R4.00 4
Havoc Sower Creature — Eldrazi Drone {3}{B} uncommon [FOIL] R6.00 1
Hedron Alignment Enchantment {2}{U} rare R9.00 7
Hedron Alignment Enchantment {2}{U} rare [FOIL] R19.00 1
Hedron Crawler Artifact Creature — Construct {2} common R4.00 13
Hedron Crawler Artifact Creature — Construct {2} common [FOIL] R20.00 1
Hissing Quagmire Land rare [FOIL] R51.00 1
Holdout Settlement Land common R3.00 17
Immobilizer Eldrazi Creature — Eldrazi Drone {1}{R} uncommon R4.00 22
Immobilizer Eldrazi Creature — Eldrazi Drone {1}{R} uncommon [FOIL] R6.00 3
Immolating Glare Instant {1}{W} uncommon R4.00 16
Immolating Glare Instant {1}{W} uncommon [FOIL] R8.00 1
Immolating Glare (GAME DAY) Instant {1}{W} uncommon R7.00 5
Inverter of Truth Creature — Eldrazi {2}{B}{B} mythic [FOIL] R49.00 1
Iona's Blessing Enchantment — Aura {3}{W} uncommon R4.00 15
Iona's Blessing Enchantment — Aura {3}{W} uncommon [FOIL] R7.00 1
Isolation Zone Enchantment {2}{W}{W} common R3.00 24
Isolation Zone Enchantment {2}{W}{W} common [FOIL] R5.00 1
Joraga Auxiliary Creature — Elf Soldier Ally {1}{G}{W} uncommon R4.00 12
Joraga Auxiliary Creature — Elf Soldier Ally {1}{G}{W} uncommon [FOIL] R6.00 2
Jwar Isle Avenger Creature — Sphinx {4}{U} common R3.00 24
Jwar Isle Avenger Creature — Sphinx {4}{U} common [FOIL] R5.00 3
Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet Legendary Creature — Vampire Warrior {2}{B}{B} mythic [FOIL] R361.00 1
Kazuul's Toll Collector Creature — Ogre Warrior {2}{R} uncommon R4.00 12
Kazuul's Toll Collector Creature — Ogre Warrior {2}{R} uncommon [FOIL] R9.00 1
Kor Scythemaster Creature — Kor Soldier Ally {2}{W} common R3.00 24
Kor Scythemaster Creature — Kor Soldier Ally {2}{W} common [FOIL] R5.00 1
Kor Sky Climber Creature — Kor Soldier Ally {2}{W} common R3.00 24
Kor Sky Climber Creature — Kor Soldier Ally {2}{W} common [FOIL] R4.00 1
Kozilek's Pathfinder Creature — Eldrazi {6} common R3.00 24
Kozilek's Shrieker Creature — Eldrazi Drone {2}{B} common R3.00 24
Kozilek's Shrieker Creature — Eldrazi Drone {2}{B} common [FOIL] R5.00 2
Kozilek's Translator Creature — Eldrazi Drone {4}{B} common R3.00 24
Kozilek's Translator Creature — Eldrazi Drone {4}{B} common [FOIL] R7.00 1
Lead by Example Instant {1}{G} common R3.00 24
Lead by Example Instant {1}{G} common [FOIL] R4.00 1
Linvala, the Preserver Legendary Creature — Angel {4}{W}{W} mythic R18.00 1
Loam Larva Creature — Insect {1}{G} common R3.00 25
Loam Larva Creature — Insect {1}{G} common [FOIL] R5.00 1
Make a Stand Instant {2}{W} uncommon R4.00 9
Make a Stand Instant {2}{W} uncommon [FOIL] R7.00 2
Makindi Aeronaut Creature — Kor Scout Ally {1}{W} common R3.00 24
Makindi Aeronaut Creature — Kor Scout Ally {1}{W} common [FOIL] R5.00 1
Malakir Soothsayer Creature — Vampire Shaman Ally {4}{B} uncommon R4.00 11
Malakir Soothsayer Creature — Vampire Shaman Ally {4}{B} uncommon [FOIL] R6.00 1
Maw of Kozilek Creature — Eldrazi Drone {3}{R} common R3.00 24
Maw of Kozilek Creature — Eldrazi Drone {3}{R} common [FOIL] R5.00 1
Meandering River Land uncommon R4.00 20
Mighty Leap Instant {1}{W} common R3.00 24
Mighty Leap Instant {1}{W} common [FOIL] R4.00 1
Mindmelter Creature — Eldrazi Drone {1}{U}{B} uncommon R4.00 7
Mindmelter Creature — Eldrazi Drone {1}{U}{B} uncommon [FOIL] R7.00 1
Munda's Vanguard Creature — Kor Knight Ally {4}{W} rare R7.00 1
Munda's Vanguard Creature — Kor Knight Ally {4}{W} rare [FOIL] R9.00 1
Natural State Instant {G} common R3.00 11
Natural State Instant {G} common [FOIL] R31.00 1
Needle Spires Land rare [FOIL] R24.00 1
Negate Instant {1}{U} common R3.00 21
Netcaster Spider Creature — Spider {2}{G} common R3.00 24
Netcaster Spider Creature — Spider {2}{G} common [FOIL] R5.00 4
Nissa's Judgment Sorcery {4}{G} uncommon R4.00 12
Nissa's Judgment Sorcery {4}{G} uncommon [FOIL] R5.00 1
Null Caller Creature — Vampire Shaman {3}{B} uncommon R4.00 17
Null Caller Creature — Vampire Shaman {3}{B} uncommon [FOIL] R5.00 1
Oath of Chandra Legendary Enchantment {1}{R} rare [FOIL] R20.00 1
Oath of Gideon Legendary Enchantment {2}{W} rare R7.00 3
Oblivion Strike Sorcery {3}{B} common R3.00 23
Ondu War Cleric Creature — Human Cleric Ally {1}{W} common R3.00 24
Ondu War Cleric Creature — Human Cleric Ally {1}{W} common [FOIL] R4.00 1
Overwhelming Denial Instant {2}{U}{U} rare R9.00 14
Overwhelming Denial Instant {2}{U}{U} rare [FOIL] R19.00 1
Press into Service Sorcery {4}{R} uncommon R4.00 11
Press into Service Sorcery {4}{R} uncommon [FOIL] R5.00 1
Prophet of Distortion Creature — Eldrazi Drone {U} uncommon R4.00 10
Prophet of Distortion Creature — Eldrazi Drone {U} uncommon [FOIL] R75.00 1
Pulse of Murasa Instant {2}{G} common R3.00 23
Pyromancer's Assault Enchantment {3}{R} uncommon R4.00 18
Pyromancer's Assault Enchantment {3}{R} uncommon [FOIL] R6.00 1
Reality Hemorrhage Instant {1}{R} common R3.00 24
Reality Hemorrhage Instant {1}{R} common [FOIL] R9.00 1
Reaver Drone Creature — Eldrazi Drone {B} uncommon R4.00 6
Reaver Drone Creature — Eldrazi Drone {B} uncommon [FOIL] R7.00 4
Relentless Hunter Creature — Human Warrior {1}{R}{G} uncommon R4.00 19
Relentless Hunter Creature — Human Warrior {1}{R}{G} uncommon [FOIL] R6.00 1
Relief Captain Creature — Kor Knight Ally {2}{W}{W} uncommon R4.00 18
Relief Captain Creature — Kor Knight Ally {2}{W}{W} uncommon [FOIL] R6.00 1
Remorseless Punishment Sorcery {3}{B}{B} rare R9.00 8
Remorseless Punishment Sorcery {3}{B}{B} rare [FOIL] R19.00 1
Roiling Waters Sorcery {5}{U}{U} uncommon R4.00 22
Roiling Waters Sorcery {5}{U}{U} uncommon [FOIL] R6.00 1
Ruin in Their Wake Sorcery {1}{G} uncommon R4.00 23
Ruins of Oran-Rief Land rare R9.00 4
Ruins of Oran-Rief Land rare [FOIL] R19.00 1
Saddleback Lagac Creature — Lizard {3}{G} common R3.00 24
Saddleback Lagac Creature — Lizard {3}{G} common [FOIL] R5.00 1
Scion Summoner Creature — Eldrazi Drone {2}{G} common R3.00 23
Sea Gate Wreckage Land rare R9.00 4
Sea Gate Wreckage Land rare [FOIL] R24.00 1
Searing Light Instant {W} common R3.00 24
Searing Light Instant {W} common [FOIL] R5.00 2
Seed Guardian Creature — Elemental {2}{G}{G} uncommon R4.00 17
Seed Guardian Creature — Elemental {2}{G}{G} uncommon [FOIL] R7.00 1
Seer's Lantern Artifact {3} common R3.00 24
Seer's Lantern Artifact {3} common [FOIL] R6.00 1
Shoulder to Shoulder Sorcery {2}{W} common R3.00 24
Shoulder to Shoulder Sorcery {2}{W} common [FOIL] R5.00 1
Sky Scourer Creature — Eldrazi Drone {1}{B} common R3.00 24
Sky Scourer Creature — Eldrazi Drone {1}{B} common [FOIL] R5.00 2
Slaughter Drone Creature — Eldrazi Drone {1}{B} common R3.00 24
Slaughter Drone Creature — Eldrazi Drone {1}{B} common [FOIL] R5.00 2
Sparkmage's Gambit Sorcery {1}{R} common R3.00 24
Sparkmage's Gambit Sorcery {1}{R} common [FOIL] R5.00 1
Spatial Contortion Instant {1}{C} uncommon R4.00 15
Spatial Contortion Instant {1}{C} uncommon [FOIL] R18.00 2
Spatial Contortion (PROMO) (#FNM) Instant {1}{C} uncommon [FOIL] R9.00 11
Spawnbinder Mage Creature — Human Wizard Ally {3}{W} common R3.00 24
Spawnbinder Mage Creature — Human Wizard Ally {3}{W} common [FOIL] R5.00 1
Stalking Drone Creature — Eldrazi Drone {1}{G} common R3.00 24
Stalking Drone Creature — Eldrazi Drone {1}{G} common [FOIL] R5.00 1
Steppe Glider Creature — Elemental {4}{W} uncommon R4.00 17
Steppe Glider Creature — Elemental {4}{W} uncommon [FOIL] R6.00 1
Stoneforge Acolyte Creature — Kor Artificer Ally {W} uncommon R4.00 11
Stoneforge Acolyte Creature — Kor Artificer Ally {W} uncommon [FOIL] R6.00 1
Stoneforge Masterwork Artifact — Equipment {1} rare R48.00 1
Strider Harness Artifact — Equipment {3} uncommon R4.00 19
Strider Harness Artifact — Equipment {3} uncommon [FOIL] R6.00 1
Submerged Boneyard Land uncommon R4.00 19
Submerged Boneyard Land uncommon [FOIL] R11.00 1
Sweep Away Instant {2}{U} common R3.00 24
Sweep Away Instant {2}{U} common [FOIL] R5.00 1
Tajuru Pathwarden Creature — Elf Warrior Ally {4}{G} common R3.00 24
Tajuru Pathwarden Creature — Elf Warrior Ally {4}{G} common [FOIL] R5.00 2
Tar Snare Instant {2}{B} common R3.00 24
Tar Snare Instant {2}{B} common [FOIL] R4.00 1
Tears of Valakut Instant {1}{R} uncommon R4.00 22
Tears of Valakut Instant {1}{R} uncommon [FOIL] R7.00 1
Thought Harvester Creature — Eldrazi Drone {3}{U} uncommon R4.00 16
Thought Harvester Creature — Eldrazi Drone {3}{U} uncommon [FOIL] R10.00 2
Timber Gorge Land uncommon R4.00 24
Timber Gorge Land uncommon [FOIL] R7.00 1
Tranquil Expanse Land uncommon R4.00 20
Tranquil Expanse Land uncommon [FOIL] R9.00 1
Tyrant of Valakut Creature — Dragon {5}{R}{R} rare R9.00 4
Tyrant of Valakut Creature — Dragon {5}{R}{R} rare [FOIL] R19.00 2
Umara Entangler Creature — Merfolk Rogue Ally {1}{U} common R3.00 24
Umara Entangler Creature — Merfolk Rogue Ally {1}{U} common [FOIL] R5.00 1
Unity of Purpose Instant {3}{U} uncommon R4.00 12
Unity of Purpose Instant {3}{U} uncommon [FOIL] R7.00 2
Unknown Shores Land common R3.00 24
Unknown Shores Land common [FOIL] R6.00 1
Unnatural Endurance Instant {B} common R3.00 24
Untamed Hunger Enchantment — Aura {2}{B} common R3.00 24
Untamed Hunger Enchantment — Aura {2}{B} common [FOIL] R5.00 2
Vampire Envoy Creature — Vampire Cleric Ally {2}{B} common R3.00 21
Vampire Envoy Creature — Vampire Cleric Ally {2}{B} common [FOIL] R7.00 3
Vile Redeemer Creature — Eldrazi {2}{G} rare R9.00 10
Vile Redeemer Creature — Eldrazi {2}{G} rare [FOIL] R19.00 1
Vines of the Recluse Instant {G} common R3.00 23
Vines of the Recluse Instant {G} common [FOIL] R5.00 1
Visions of Brutality Enchantment — Aura {1}{B} uncommon R4.00 9
Void Shatter Instant {1}{U}{U} uncommon R4.00 13
Walker of the Wastes Creature — Eldrazi {4}{C} uncommon R4.00 10
Wall of Resurgence Creature — Wall {2}{W} uncommon R4.00 14
Wall of Resurgence Creature — Wall {2}{W} uncommon [FOIL] R10.00 1
Wandering Fumarole Land rare [FOIL] R29.00 1
Warden of Geometries Creature — Eldrazi Drone {4} common R3.00 23
Warping Wail Instant {1}{C} uncommon [FOIL] R247.00 1
Wastes (#183 Foreign) Basic Land common R19.00 1
Weapons Trainer Creature — Human Soldier Ally {R}{W} uncommon R4.00 13
Weapons Trainer Creature — Human Soldier Ally {R}{W} uncommon [FOIL] R7.00 1
Witness the End Sorcery {3}{B} common R3.00 24
Witness the End Sorcery {3}{B} common [FOIL] R6.00 1
Zada's Commando Creature — Goblin Archer Ally {1}{R} common R3.00 24
Zada's Commando Creature — Goblin Archer Ally {1}{R} common [FOIL] R5.00 1
Zendikar Resurgent Enchantment {5}{G}{G} rare [FOIL] R115.00 2
Zulaport Chainmage Creature — Human Shaman Ally {3}{B} common R3.00 24
Zulaport Chainmage Creature — Human Shaman Ally {3}{B} common [FOIL] R5.00 2


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