The Warren

Magic: The Gathering Set / Mirrodin

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Name Type(s) Mana Cost Rarity Foil Price Qty
Alpha Myr Artifact Creature — Myr {2} common R3.00 8
Arrest Enchantment — Aura {2}{W} common R3.00 14
Auriok Bladewarden Creature — Human Soldier {1}{W} uncommon R4.00 1
Auriok Transfixer Creature — Human Scout {W} common R3.00 8
Awe Strike Instant {W} common R4.00 5
Battlegrowth Instant {G} common R3.00 7
Blinding Beam Instant {2}{W} common R3.00 6
Bloodscent Instant {3}{G} uncommon R4.00 1
Bonesplitter Artifact — Equipment {1} common R4.00 1
Bottle Gnomes Artifact Creature — Gnome {3} uncommon R4.00 1
Chimney Imp Creature — Imp {4}{B} common R3.00 5
Chrome Mox Artifact {0} rare R1,764.00 1
Clockwork Condor Artifact Creature — Bird {4} common R3.00 8
Clockwork Dragon Artifact Creature — Dragon {7} rare R9.00 1
Clockwork Vorrac Artifact Creature — Boar Beast {5} uncommon R4.00 3
Cloudpost Land — Locus common R12.00 2
Cobalt Golem Artifact Creature — Golem {4} common R3.00 7
Consume Spirit Sorcery {X}{1}{B} common R4.00 8
Contaminated Bond Enchantment — Aura {1}{B} common R3.00 12
Contaminated Bond Enchantment — Aura {1}{B} common [FOIL] R6.00 1
Copper Myr Artifact Creature — Myr {2} common R4.00 7
Copperhoof Vorrac Creature — Boar Beast {3}{G}{G} rare R9.00 1
Creeping Mold Sorcery {2}{G}{G} uncommon R4.00 5
Culling Scales Artifact {3} rare R9.00 1
Detonate Sorcery {X}{R} uncommon R4.00 4
Disarm Instant {U} common R3.00 6
Domineer Enchantment — Aura {1}{U}{U} uncommon R4.00 1
Dragon Blood Artifact {3} uncommon R4.00 1
Dross Prowler Creature — Zombie {2}{B} common R3.00 12
Dross Scorpion Artifact Creature — Scorpion {4} common R14.00 3
Duskworker Artifact Creature — Construct {4} uncommon R4.00 5
Electrostatic Bolt Instant {R} common R3.00 13
Elf Replica Artifact Creature — Elf {3} common R3.00 2
Fangren Hunter Creature — Beast {3}{G}{G} common R3.00 12
Farsight Mask Artifact {5} uncommon R5.00 1
Fists of the Anvil Instant {1}{R} common R3.00 4
Flayed Nim Creature — Skeleton {3}{B} uncommon R4.00 3
Forest (#304) Basic Land — Forest common [FOIL] R11.00 2
Forest (#305) Basic Land — Forest common [FOIL] R11.00 1
Forest (#306) Basic Land — Forest common [FOIL] R11.00 1
Forge Armor Instant {4}{R} uncommon R4.00 1
Galvanic Key Artifact {2} common R3.00 8
Goblin Charbelcher Artifact {4} rare R19.00 2
Goblin Dirigible Artifact Creature — Construct {6} uncommon R4.00 1
Goblin Replica Artifact Creature — Goblin {3} common R3.00 10
Goblin Striker Creature — Goblin Berserker {1}{R} common R4.00 4
Goblin War Wagon Artifact Creature — Juggernaut {4} common R3.00 8
Gold Myr Artifact Creature — Myr {2} common R7.00 3
Grab the Reins Instant {3}{R} uncommon R5.00 2
Granite Shard Artifact {3} uncommon R4.00 5
Great Furnace Artifact Land common R84.00 2
Groffskithur Creature — Beast {5}{G} common R3.00 5
Heartwood Shard Artifact {3} uncommon R4.00 1
Hematite Golem Artifact Creature — Golem {4} common R3.00 17
Incite War Instant {2}{R} common R3.00 11
Inertia Bubble Enchantment — Aura {1}{U} common R3.00 4
Irradiate Instant {3}{B} common R3.00 18
Krark-Clan Grunt Creature — Goblin Warrior {2}{R} common R3.00 13
Leaden Myr Artifact Creature — Myr {2} common R4.00 10
Leonin Den-Guard Creature — Cat Soldier {1}{W} common R4.00 5
Leonin Elder Creature — Cat Cleric {W} common R4.00 5
Leonin Scimitar Artifact — Equipment {1} common R3.00 14
Lifespark Spellbomb Artifact {1} common R3.00 6
Living Hive Creature — Elemental Insect {6}{G}{G} rare R22.00 1
Looming Hoverguard Creature — Drone {4}{U}{U} uncommon R4.00 1
Loxodon Mender Creature — Elephant Cleric {5}{W} common R3.00 9
Lumengrid Warden Creature — Human Wizard {1}{U} common R3.00 5
Malachite Golem Artifact Creature — Golem {6} common R3.00 11
Mirror Golem Artifact Creature — Golem {6} uncommon R9.00 1
Molten Rain Sorcery {1}{R}{R} common R7.00 1
Moriok Scavenger Creature — Human Rogue {3}{B} common R4.00 6
Moriok Scavenger Creature — Human Rogue {3}{B} common [FOIL] R5.00 1
Mountain (#299) Basic Land — Mountain common [FOIL] R11.00 1
Mountain (#301) Basic Land — Mountain common [FOIL] R11.00 1
Mourner's Shield Artifact {4} uncommon R4.00 5
Myr Adapter Artifact Creature — Myr {3} common R4.00 3
Myr Mindservant Artifact Creature — Myr {1} uncommon R4.00 1
Necrogen Spellbomb Artifact {1} common R3.00 5
Needlebug Artifact Creature — Insect {4} uncommon R4.00 5
Neurok Familiar Creature — Bird {1}{U} common R3.00 5
Neurok Hoversail Artifact — Equipment {1} common R4.00 6
Neurok Spy Creature — Human Rogue {2}{U} common R3.00 8
Nim Lasher Creature — Zombie {2}{B} common R3.00 4
Nim Replica Artifact Creature — Zombie {3} common R3.00 9
Nim Shambler Creature — Zombie {2}{B}{B} uncommon R4.00 4
Nim Shrieker Creature — Zombie {3}{B} common R3.00 15
Nuisance Engine Artifact {3} uncommon R4.00 3
Ogre Leadfoot Creature — Ogre {4}{R} common R3.00 6
Omega Myr Artifact Creature — Myr {2} common R4.00 1
One Dozen Eyes Sorcery {5}{G} uncommon R4.00 3
Override Instant {2}{U} common R4.00 1
Pearl Shard Artifact {3} uncommon R4.00 1
Pewter Golem Artifact Creature — Golem {5} common R3.00 10
Plains (#287) Basic Land — Plains common [FOIL] R12.00 1
Plains (#288) Basic Land — Plains common [FOIL] R11.00 1
Plated Slagwurm Creature — Wurm {4}{G}{G}{G} rare R9.00 2
Plated Slagwurm Creature — Wurm {4}{G}{G}{G} rare [FOIL] R17.00 1
Predator's Strike Instant {1}{G} common R4.00 4
Pyrite Spellbomb Artifact {1} common R4.00 2
Raise the Alarm Instant {1}{W} common R4.00 11
Razor Barrier Instant {1}{W} common R3.00 5
Regress Instant {2}{U} common R3.00 9
Relic Bane Enchantment — Aura {1}{B}{B} uncommon R4.00 4
Rustmouth Ogre Creature — Ogre {4}{R}{R} uncommon R4.00 5
Rustspore Ram Artifact Creature — Sheep {4} uncommon R4.00 2
Serum Tank Artifact {3} uncommon R4.00 2
Shatter Instant {1}{R} common R4.00 9
Skeleton Shard Artifact {3} uncommon R4.00 2
Skyhunter Cub Creature — Cat Knight {2}{W} common R3.00 9
Skyhunter Patrol Creature — Cat Knight {2}{W}{W} common R4.00 8
Slagwurm Armor Artifact — Equipment {1} common R7.00 1
Slith Ascendant Creature — Slith {1}{W}{W} uncommon R4.00 4
Slith Bloodletter Creature — Slith {B}{B} uncommon R4.00 1
Slith Firewalker Creature — Slith {R}{R} uncommon R4.00 5
Slith Predator Creature — Slith {G}{G} uncommon R4.00 3
Slith Strider Creature — Slith {1}{U}{U} uncommon R4.00 1
Soldier Replica Artifact Creature — Soldier {3} common R3.00 12
Somber Hoverguard Creature — Drone {5}{U} common R4.00 7
Sphere of Purity Enchantment {3}{W} common R3.00 7
Spikeshot Goblin Creature — Goblin Shaman {2}{R} common R3.00 6
Spoils of the Vault Instant {B} rare R10.00 2
Stalking Stones Land uncommon R4.00 4
Steel Wall Artifact Creature — Wall {1} common R6.00 5
Swamp (#296) Basic Land — Swamp common [FOIL] R13.00 3
Sword of Kaldra Legendary Artifact — Equipment {4} rare R342.00 2
Sword of Kaldra (PRERELEASE) Legendary Artifact — Equipment {4} rare [FOIL] R450.00 1
Synod Sanctum Artifact {1} uncommon R7.00 3
Tanglebloom Artifact {1} common R3.00 10
Tel-Jilad Archers Creature — Elf Archer {4}{G} common R4.00 6
Tel-Jilad Chosen Creature — Elf Warrior {1}{G} common R4.00 5
Tel-Jilad Exile Creature — Troll Warrior {3}{G} common R3.00 16
Terror Instant {1}{B} common R4.00 20
Thirst for Knowledge Instant {2}{U} uncommon R7.00 1
Thought Prison Artifact {5} uncommon R4.00 2
Titanium Golem Artifact Creature — Golem {5} common R3.00 4
Tower of Champions Artifact {4} rare R9.00 2
Tower of Eons Artifact {4} rare [FOIL] R34.00 1
Trolls of Tel-Jilad Creature — Troll Shaman {5}{G}{G} uncommon R4.00 4
Turn to Dust Instant {G} common R3.00 5
Vermiculos Creature — Horror {4}{B} rare R9.00 3
Viridian Shaman Creature — Elf Shaman {2}{G} uncommon R4.00 7
Vulshok Battlegear Artifact — Equipment {3} uncommon R4.00 1
Vulshok Berserker Creature — Human Berserker {3}{R} common R3.00 6
Vulshok Gauntlets Artifact — Equipment {2} common R3.00 22
Wail of the Nim Instant {2}{B} common R4.00 1
Wanderguard Sentry Creature — Drone {4}{U} common R3.00 5
Wizard Replica Artifact Creature — Wizard {3} common R3.00 8
Woebearer Creature — Zombie {4}{B} uncommon R4.00 2
Wrench Mind Sorcery {B}{B} common R4.00 17
Wurmskin Forger Creature — Elf Warrior {5}{G}{G} common R3.00 4
Yotian Soldier Artifact Creature — Soldier {3} common R3.00 18


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