The Warren

Magic: The Gathering Set / Magic 2012

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Name Type(s) Mana Cost Rarity Foil Price Qty
Acidic Slime Creature — Ooze {3}{G}{G} uncommon R4.00 2
Act of Treason Sorcery {2}{R} common R3.00 18
Aegis Angel Creature — Angel {4}{W}{W} rare [FOIL] R17.00 1
Aether Adept Creature — Human Wizard {1}{U}{U} common R3.00 8
Alabaster Mage Creature — Human Wizard {1}{W} uncommon R4.00 5
Alluring Siren Creature — Siren {1}{U} uncommon R4.00 3
Amphin Cutthroat Creature — Salamander Rogue {3}{U} common R3.00 16
Amphin Cutthroat Creature — Salamander Rogue {3}{U} common [FOIL] R4.00 1
Angel's Feather Artifact {2} uncommon R3.00 1
Angel's Mercy Instant {2}{W}{W} common R3.00 14
Arachnus Spinner Creature — Spider {5}{G} rare R9.00 1
Arachnus Spinner Creature — Spider {5}{G} rare [FOIL] R19.00 2
Arachnus Web Enchantment — Aura {2}{G} common R3.00 20
Arbalest Elite Creature — Human Archer {2}{W}{W} uncommon R4.00 7
Armored Warhorse Creature — Horse {W}{W} common R3.00 13
Armored Warhorse Creature — Horse {W}{W} common [FOIL] R4.00 1
Assault Griffin Creature — Griffin {3}{W} common R3.00 23
Auramancer Creature — Human Wizard {2}{W} common R3.00 13
Auramancer (PROMO) (#WPN) Creature — Human Wizard {2}{W} common [FOIL] R7.00 3
Aven Fleetwing Creature — Bird Soldier {3}{U} common R3.00 4
Azure Mage Creature — Human Wizard {1}{U} uncommon R4.00 6
Belltower Sphinx Creature — Sphinx {4}{U} uncommon R4.00 12
Benalish Veteran Creature — Human Soldier {2}{W} common R3.00 14
Blood Ogre Creature — Ogre Warrior {2}{R} common R3.00 24
Blood Seeker Creature — Vampire Shaman {1}{B} common R3.00 8
Bloodrage Vampire Creature — Vampire {2}{B} common R3.00 17
Bonebreaker Giant Creature — Giant {4}{R} common R3.00 17
Bountiful Harvest Sorcery {4}{G} common R3.00 24
Bountiful Harvest Sorcery {4}{G} common [FOIL] R4.00 1
Brindle Boar Creature — Boar {2}{G} common R4.00 24
Brink of Disaster Enchantment — Aura {2}{B}{B} common R3.00 18
Cancel Instant {1}{U}{U} common R3.00 15
Carnage Wurm Creature — Wurm {6}{G} uncommon R4.00 5
Celestial Purge Instant {1}{W} uncommon R4.00 5
Chandra's Outrage Instant {2}{R}{R} common R3.00 24
Chasm Drake Creature — Drake {4}{U} common R3.00 11
Child of Night Creature — Vampire {1}{B} common R3.00 24
Child of Night Creature — Vampire {1}{B} common [FOIL] R4.00 1
Circle of Flame Enchantment {1}{R} uncommon R4.00 9
Combust Instant {1}{R} uncommon R4.00 9
Consume Spirit Sorcery {X}{1}{B} uncommon R4.00 6
Consume Spirit Sorcery {X}{1}{B} uncommon [FOIL] R8.00 1
Coral Merfolk Creature — Merfolk {1}{U} common R3.00 20
Crimson Mage Creature — Human Shaman {1}{R} uncommon R4.00 7
Crown of Empires Artifact {2} uncommon R4.00 4
Crown of Empires Artifact {2} uncommon [FOIL] R9.00 1
Crumbling Colossus Artifact Creature — Golem {5} uncommon R4.00 2
Cudgel Troll Creature — Troll {2}{G}{G} uncommon R4.00 15
Dark Favor Enchantment — Aura {1}{B} common R3.00 24
Deathmark Sorcery {B} uncommon R4.00 17
Demon's Horn Artifact {2} uncommon R4.00 6
Demystify Instant {W} common R3.00 9
Devouring Swarm Creature — Insect {1}{B}{B} common R3.00 24
Disentomb Sorcery {B} common R3.00 21
Distress Sorcery {B}{B} common R3.00 15
Divination Sorcery {2}{U} common R3.00 9
Divine Favor Enchantment — Aura {1}{W} common R3.00 13
Djinn of Wishes Creature — Djinn {3}{U}{U} rare R9.00 4
Doom Blade Instant {1}{B} common R4.00 4
Doubling Chant Sorcery {5}{G} rare R9.00 4
Doubling Chant Sorcery {5}{G} rare [FOIL] R19.00 1
Drifting Shade Creature — Shade {3}{B} common R3.00 21
Duskhunter Bat Creature — Bat {1}{B} common R3.00 23
Elite Vanguard Creature — Human Soldier {W} uncommon R4.00 9
Elite Vanguard Creature — Human Soldier {W} uncommon [FOIL] R9.00 1
Elixir of Immortality Artifact {1} uncommon R9.00 1
Fiery Hellhound Creature — Elemental Dog {1}{R}{R} common R3.00 24
Fireball Sorcery {X}{R} uncommon R4.00 6
Firebreathing Enchantment — Aura {R} common R3.00 14
Firebreathing Enchantment — Aura {R} common [FOIL] R4.00 1
Flashfreeze Instant {1}{U} uncommon R4.00 2
Flight Enchantment — Aura {U} common R3.00 9
Fling Instant {1}{R} common R3.00 4
Fog Instant {G} common R4.00 5
Forest (#246) Basic Land — Forest common [FOIL] R14.00 1
Forest (#247) Basic Land — Forest common [FOIL] R14.00 1
Forest (#248) Basic Land — Forest common [FOIL] R14.00 2
Frost Breath Instant {2}{U} common R3.00 19
Garruk's Companion Creature — Beast {G}{G} common R3.00 22
Garruk's Horde Creature — Beast {5}{G}{G} rare R9.00 3
Giant Spider Creature — Spider {3}{G} common R3.00 15
Gideon's Lawkeeper Creature — Human Soldier {W} common R3.00 11
Goblin Arsonist Creature — Goblin Shaman {R} common R3.00 24
Goblin Fireslinger Creature — Goblin Warrior {R} common R3.00 17
Goblin Piker Creature — Goblin Warrior {1}{R} common R3.00 24
Goblin Piker Creature — Goblin Warrior {1}{R} common [FOIL] R5.00 1
Goblin Tunneler Creature — Goblin Rogue {1}{R} common R3.00 19
Goblin War Paint Enchantment — Aura {1}{R} common R3.00 11
Gorehorn Minotaurs Creature — Minotaur Warrior {2}{R}{R} common R3.00 24
Gravedigger Creature — Zombie {3}{B} common R3.00 21
Greater Basilisk Creature — Basilisk {3}{G}{G} common R3.00 13
Greatsword Artifact — Equipment {3} uncommon R4.00 2
Griffin Rider Creature — Human Knight {1}{W} common R3.00 11
Griffin Rider Creature — Human Knight {1}{W} common [FOIL] R4.00 1
Griffin Sentinel Creature — Griffin {2}{W} common R3.00 13
Grim Lavamancer Creature — Human Wizard {R} rare R10.00 1
Guardians' Pledge Instant {1}{W}{W} common R5.00 3
Harbor Serpent Creature — Serpent {4}{U}{U} common R3.00 19
Hideous Visage Sorcery {2}{B} common R3.00 20
Honor of the Pure Enchantment {1}{W} rare R29.00 5
Ice Cage Enchantment — Aura {1}{U} common R3.00 15
Incinerate Instant {1}{R} common R4.00 13
Island (#235) Basic Land — Island common [FOIL] R14.00 2
Island (#236) Basic Land — Island common [FOIL] R12.00 1
Jade Mage Creature — Human Shaman {1}{G} uncommon R4.00 4
Kite Shield Artifact — Equipment {0} uncommon R4.00 2
Lava Axe Sorcery {4}{R} common R3.00 18
Levitation Enchantment {2}{U}{U} uncommon R4.00 3
Lightning Elemental Creature — Elemental {3}{R} common R3.00 22
Lure Enchantment — Aura {1}{G}{G} uncommon R4.00 10
Lurking Crocodile Creature — Crocodile {2}{G} common R3.00 17
Mana Leak Instant {1}{U} common R4.00 5
Manalith Artifact {3} common R4.00 16
Manic Vandal Creature — Human Warrior {2}{R} common R3.00 15
Master Thief Creature — Human Rogue {2}{U}{U} uncommon R4.00 2
Merfolk Looter Creature — Merfolk Rogue {1}{U} common R3.00 6
Merfolk Mesmerist Creature — Merfolk Wizard {1}{U} common R3.00 6
Mighty Leap Instant {1}{W} common R3.00 5
Mind Control Enchantment — Aura {3}{U}{U} uncommon R4.00 5
Mind Rot Sorcery {2}{B} common R3.00 16
Monomania Sorcery {3}{B}{B} rare R9.00 3
Mountain (#242) Basic Land — Mountain common [FOIL] R15.00 2
Mountain (#243) Basic Land — Mountain common [FOIL] R15.00 1
Mountain (#244) Basic Land — Mountain common [FOIL] R13.00 1
Mountain (#245) Basic Land — Mountain common [FOIL] R8.00 1
Naturalize Instant {1}{G} common R3.00 22
Negate Instant {1}{U} common R3.00 14
Oblivion Ring Enchantment {2}{W} uncommon R6.00 24
Onyx Mage Creature — Human Wizard {1}{B} uncommon R4.00 5
Pacifism Enchantment — Aura {1}{W} common R3.00 18
Pentavus Artifact Creature — Construct {7} rare R9.00 5
Peregrine Griffin Creature — Griffin {4}{W} common R3.00 16
Peregrine Griffin Creature — Griffin {4}{W} common [FOIL] R4.00 1
Phantasmal Bear Creature — Bear Illusion {U} common R4.00 21
Phantasmal Dragon Creature — Dragon Illusion {2}{U}{U} uncommon R4.00 10
Plains Basic Land — Plains common [FOIL] R19.00 1
Plummet Instant {1}{G} common R3.00 24
Pride Guardian Creature — Cat Monk {W} common R4.00 5
Primordial Hydra Creature — Hydra {X}{G}{G} mythic R150.00 2
Reclaim Instant {G} common R3.00 24
Roc Egg Creature — Bird Egg {2}{W} uncommon R4.00 10
Roc Egg Creature — Bird Egg {2}{W} uncommon [FOIL] R8.00 1
Runeclaw Bear Creature — Bear {1}{G} common R3.00 24
Rusted Sentinel Artifact Creature — Golem {4} uncommon R4.00 14
Sacred Wolf Creature — Wolf {2}{G} common R4.00 4
Scepter of Empires Artifact {3} uncommon R4.00 1
Sengir Vampire Creature — Vampire {3}{B}{B} uncommon R4.00 10
Serra Angel Creature — Angel {3}{W}{W} uncommon R4.00 6
Shock Instant {R} common R3.00 16
Siege Mastodon Creature — Elephant {4}{W} common R3.00 14
Skywinder Drake Creature — Drake {2}{U} common R3.00 18
Skywinder Drake Creature — Drake {2}{U} common [FOIL] R4.00 1
Slaughter Cry Instant {2}{R} common R3.00 24
Sorin's Thirst Instant {B}{B} common R3.00 15
Sphinx of Uthuun Creature — Sphinx {5}{U}{U} rare R9.00 1
Sphinx of Uthuun Creature — Sphinx {5}{U}{U} rare [FOIL] R19.00 1
Spirit Mantle Enchantment — Aura {1}{W} uncommon R43.00 3
Stampeding Rhino Creature — Rhino {4}{G} common R3.00 21
Stave Off Instant {W} common R3.00 17
Stingerfling Spider Creature — Spider {4}{G} uncommon R4.00 8
Stonehorn Dignitary Creature — Rhino Soldier {3}{W} common R9.00 1
Stormblood Berserker Creature — Human Berserker {1}{R} uncommon R4.00 9
Stormfront Pegasus Creature — Pegasus {1}{W} common R3.00 5
Sutured Ghoul Creature — Zombie {4}{B}{B}{B} rare R9.00 6
Swamp (#241) Basic Land — Swamp common [FOIL] R16.00 1
Taste of Blood Sorcery {B} common R3.00 19
Tectonic Rift Sorcery {3}{R} uncommon R4.00 12
Thran Golem Artifact Creature — Golem {5} uncommon R4.00 5
Throne of Empires Artifact {4} rare R9.00 1
Time Reversal Sorcery {3}{U}{U} mythic R67.00 1
Titanic Growth Instant {1}{G} common R3.00 24
Tormented Soul Creature — Spirit {B} common R3.00 12
Trollhide Enchantment — Aura {2}{G} common R3.00 12
Turn to Frog Instant {1}{U} uncommon R4.00 8
Unsummon Instant {U} common R3.00 12
Vampire Outcasts Creature — Vampire {2}{B}{B} uncommon R4.00 7
Vastwood Gorger Creature — Wurm {5}{G} common R3.00 15
Vengeful Pharaoh (#LightPlay) Creature — Zombie {2}{B}{B}{B} rare R22.00 1
Volcanic Dragon Creature — Dragon {4}{R}{R} uncommon R4.00 12
Wall of Torches Creature — Wall {1}{R} common R3.00 21
Warpath Ghoul Creature — Zombie {2}{B} common R3.00 24
Wring Flesh Instant {B} common R3.00 16
Wurm's Tooth Artifact {2} uncommon R4.00 8
Zombie Goliath Creature — Zombie Giant {4}{B} common R3.00 21


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