The Warren

Magic: The Gathering Set / Dissension

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Name Type(s) Mana Cost Rarity Foil Price Qty
Anthem of Rakdos Enchantment {2}{B}{R}{R} rare R9.00 1
Aquastrand Spider Creature — Spider Mutant {1}{G} common R4.00 1
Assault Zeppelid Creature — Beast {2}{G}{U} common R3.00 10
Azorius Chancery Land common R5.00 1
Azorius First-Wing Creature — Griffin {W}{U} common R4.00 12
Azorius Guildmage Creature — Vedalken Wizard {WU}{WU} uncommon R6.00 1
Beacon Hawk Creature — Bird {1}{W} common R3.00 3
Brace for Impact Instant {4}{W} uncommon R4.00 1
Cackling Flames Instant {3}{R} common R4.00 11
Coiling Oracle Creature — Snake Elf Druid {G}{U} common R4.00 4
Crime // Punishment Sorcery {3}{W}{B} rare R86.00 1
Cytospawn Shambler Creature — Elemental Mutant {6}{G} common R3.00 12
Delirium Skeins Sorcery {2}{B} common R4.00 9
Demon's Jester Creature — Imp {3}{B} common R3.00 18
Drekavac Creature — Beast {1}{B} uncommon R4.00 12
Enemy of the Guildpact Creature — Spirit {4}{B} common R3.00 11
Enigma Eidolon Creature — Spirit {3}{U} common R4.00 9
Entropic Eidolon Creature — Spirit {3}{B} common R3.00 15
Experiment Kraj Legendary Creature — Ooze Mutant {2}{G}{G}{U}{U} rare R17.00 1
Flash Foliage Instant {2}{G} uncommon R4.00 8
Gobhobbler Rats Creature — Rat {B}{R} common R3.00 24
Helium Squirter Creature — Beast Mutant {4}{U} common R4.00 24
Ignorant Bliss Instant {1}{R} uncommon R4.00 6
Indrik Stomphowler Creature — Beast {4}{G} uncommon R4.00 4
Isperia the Inscrutable Legendary Creature — Sphinx {1}{W}{W}{U}{U} rare R9.00 2
Jagged Poppet Creature — Ogre Warrior {1}{B}{R} uncommon R4.00 4
Kill-Suit Cultist Creature — Goblin Berserker {R} common R3.00 15
Kindle the Carnage Sorcery {1}{R}{R} uncommon R4.00 2
Leafdrake Roost Enchantment — Aura {3}{G}{U} uncommon R4.00 2
Lyzolda, the Blood Witch Legendary Creature — Human Cleric {1}{B}{R} rare R9.00 2
Macabre Waltz Sorcery {1}{B} common R3.00 9
Minister of Impediments Creature — Human Advisor {2}{WU} common R4.00 17
Mistral Charger Creature — Pegasus {1}{W} uncommon R4.00 5
Nettling Curse Enchantment — Aura {2}{B} common R3.00 8
Nightcreep Instant {B}{B} uncommon R4.00 1
Nihilistic Glee Enchantment {2}{B}{B} rare R9.00 3
Novijen Sages Creature — Human Advisor Mutant {4}{U}{U} rare R9.00 1
Novijen, Heart of Progress Land uncommon R8.00 1
Ocular Halo Enchantment — Aura {3}{U} common R4.00 10
Ogre Gatecrasher Creature — Ogre Rogue {3}{R} common R3.00 12
Overrule Instant {X}{W}{U} common R4.00 15
Paladin of Prahv Creature — Human Knight {4}{W}{W} uncommon R4.00 4
Palliation Accord Enchantment {3}{W}{U} uncommon R9.00 1
Pillar of the Paruns Land rare R35.00 2
Plaxmanta Creature — Beast {1}{U} uncommon R4.00 3
Plumes of Peace Enchantment — Aura {1}{W}{U} common R4.00 17
Prahv, Spires of Order Land uncommon R6.00 3
Ragamuffyn Creature — Zombie Cleric {2}{B} uncommon R4.00 9
Rain of Gore Enchantment {B}{R} rare R74.00 1
Rakdos Augermage Creature — Human Wizard {B}{B}{R} rare R9.00 2
Rakdos Guildmage Creature — Zombie Shaman {BR}{BR} uncommon R4.00 8
Rakdos Ickspitter Creature — Thrull {1}{B}{R} common R4.00 19
Rakdos Riteknife Artifact — Equipment {2} rare R9.00 1
Rakdos the Defiler Legendary Creature — Demon {2}{B}{B}{R}{R} rare [FOIL] R1,900.00 1
Riot Spikes Enchantment — Aura {BR} common R3.00 20
Rise // Fall Sorcery {U}{B} uncommon R7.00 4
Rix Maadi, Dungeon Palace Land uncommon R5.00 6
Rix Maadi, Dungeon Palace Land uncommon [FOIL] R154.00 1
Sandstorm Eidolon Creature — Spirit {3}{R} common R4.00 12
Seal of Doom Enchantment {2}{B} common R4.00 6
Seal of Fire Enchantment {R} common R6.00 1
Shielding Plax Enchantment — Aura {2}{GU} common R4.00 7
Silkwing Scout Creature — Faerie Scout {2}{U} common R3.00 19
Simic Basilisk Creature — Basilisk Mutant {4}{G}{G} uncommon R4.00 12
Simic Growth Chamber Land common R8.00 2
Simic Guildmage Creature — Elf Wizard {GU}{GU} uncommon R6.00 1
Simic Initiate Creature — Human Mutant {G} common R3.00 11
Simic Ragworm Creature — Worm {3}{G} common R3.00 18
Sky Hussar Creature — Human Knight {3}{W}{U} uncommon R4.00 4
Slaughterhouse Bouncer Creature — Ogre Warrior {4}{B} common R3.00 20
Slithering Shade Creature — Shade {B} uncommon R4.00 11
Soulsworn Jury Creature — Spirit {2}{W} common R4.00 3
Steeling Stance Instant {1}{W}{W} common R3.00 2
Stoic Ephemera Creature — Spirit {2}{W} uncommon R4.00 6
Stomp and Howl Sorcery {2}{G} uncommon R4.00 2
Stormscale Anarch Creature — Lizard Shaman {2}{R}{R} rare R9.00 1
Street Savvy Enchantment — Aura {G} common R4.00 11
Taste for Mayhem Enchantment — Aura {R} common R3.00 8
Thrive Sorcery {X}{G} common R3.00 10
Twinstrike Instant {3}{B}{R} uncommon R4.00 5
Utvara Scalper Creature — Goblin Scout {1}{R} common R3.00 15
Verdant Eidolon Creature — Spirit {3}{G} common R4.00 16
Vesper Ghoul Creature — Zombie Druid {2}{B} common R3.00 7
Vigean Graftmage Creature — Vedalken Wizard Mutant {2}{U} uncommon R4.00 4
Vigean Hydropon Creature — Plant Mutant {1}{G}{U} common R4.00 9
Vigean Intuition Instant {3}{G}{U} uncommon [FOIL] R7.00 1
Vision Skeins Instant {1}{U} common R4.00 6
Wakestone Gargoyle Creature — Gargoyle {3}{W} rare R9.00 3
Whiptail Moloch Creature — Lizard {4}{R} common R3.00 15
Wrecking Ball Instant {2}{B}{R} common R4.00 12
Writ of Passage Enchantment — Aura {U} common R4.00 18


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