The Warren

Magic: The Gathering Set / Duel Decks: Zendikar vs. Eldrazi

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Name Type(s) Mana Cost Rarity Foil Price Qty
Affa Guard Hound Creature — Dog {2}{W} uncommon R4.00 1
Akoum Refuge Land uncommon R4.00 1
Caravan Escort Creature — Human Knight {W} common R3.00 2
Daggerback Basilisk Creature — Basilisk {2}{G} common R3.00 1
Dominator Drone Creature — Eldrazi Drone {2}{B} common R3.00 2
Heartstabber Mosquito Creature — Insect {3}{B} common R3.00 1
Induce Despair Instant {2}{B} common R3.00 1
Knight of Cliffhaven Creature — Kor Knight {1}{W} common R3.00 1
Magmaw Creature — Elemental {3}{R}{R} rare R9.00 1
Makindi Griffin Creature — Griffin {3}{W} common R3.00 1
Marsh Casualties Sorcery {B}{B} uncommon R4.00 1
Ondu Giant Creature — Giant Druid {3}{G} common R4.00 2
Repel the Darkness Instant {2}{W} common R3.00 1
Runed Servitor Artifact Creature — Construct {2} uncommon R4.00 1
Sheer Drop Sorcery {2}{W} common R3.00 2
Stirring Wildwood Land rare R12.00 1
Stonework Puma Artifact Creature — Cat Ally {3} common R3.00 1
Territorial Baloth Creature — Beast {4}{G} common R3.00 2
Wildheart Invoker Creature — Elf Shaman {2}{G}{G} common R3.00 1


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