The Warren

Magic: The Gathering Set / Ravnica: Clue Edition

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Name Type(s) Mana Cost Rarity Foil Price Qty
Aegis of the Legion Artifact — Equipment {R}{W} rare R36.00 1
Boros Strike-Captain Creature — Minotaur Soldier {1}{RW}{RW} rare R8.00 1
Clan Defiance Sorcery {X}{R}{G} rare R7.00 2
Corporeal Projection Sorcery {U}{R} rare R26.00 1
Covetous Elegy Sorcery {4}{W}{B} rare R16.00 1
Finale of Glory Sorcery {X}{W}{W} mythic R17.00 1
Firemane Avenger Creature — Angel {2}{R}{W} rare R7.00 1
Frenzied Gorespawn Creature — Horror {3}{B}{R} rare R23.00 1
Hypersonic Dragon Creature — Dragon {3}{U}{R} rare R7.00 1
Lavinia, Foil to Conspiracy Legendary Creature — Human Detective {1}{WU}{WU} rare R27.00 1
Lavinia, Foil to Conspiracy Legendary Creature — Human Detective {1}{WU}{WU} rare [FOIL] R54.00 8
Resonance Technician Creature — Weird Detective {3}{UR}{UR} rare R8.00 2
Trostani Discordant Legendary Creature — Dryad {3}{G}{W} mythic R7.00 1
Vernal Sovereign Creature — Elemental Elk {4}{G}{W} rare R11.00 1


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