The Warren

Magic: The Gathering Set / Commander 2014

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Name Type(s) Mana Cost Rarity Foil Price Qty
Angel of the Dire Hour Creature — Angel {5}{W}{W} rare R29.00 1
Annihilate Instant {3}{B}{B} uncommon R4.00 1
Azure Mage Creature — Human Wizard {1}{U} uncommon R4.00 3
Bottle Gnomes Artifact Creature — Gnome {3} uncommon R4.00 1
Cathodion Artifact Creature — Construct {3} uncommon R4.00 2
Compulsive Research Sorcery {2}{U} common R4.00 2
Concentrate Sorcery {2}{U}{U} uncommon R4.00 1
Condemn Instant {W} uncommon R9.00 1
Creeperhulk Creature — Plant Elemental {3}{G}{G} rare R9.00 1
Daretti, Scrap Savant Legendary Planeswalker — Daretti {3}{R} mythic R36.00 1
Dismiss Instant {2}{U}{U} uncommon R4.00 1
Epochrasite Artifact Creature — Construct {2} rare R9.00 2
Fathom Seer Creature — Illusion {1}{U} common R3.00 3
Hoverguard Sweepers Creature — Drone {6}{U}{U} rare R9.00 1
Into the Roil Instant {1}{U} common R4.00 2
Ixidron Creature — Illusion {3}{U}{U} rare R9.00 1
Jalum Tome Artifact {3} rare R9.00 1
Kor Sanctifiers Creature — Kor Cleric {2}{W} common R4.00 2
Lonely Sandbar Land common R5.00 1
Loreseeker's Stone Artifact {6} uncommon R4.00 3
Magmaquake Instant {X}{R}{R} rare R9.00 1
Morkrut Banshee Creature — Spirit {3}{B}{B} uncommon R4.00 2
Myr Sire Artifact Creature — Phyrexian Myr {2} common R3.00 2
Nahiri, the Lithomancer Legendary Planeswalker — Nahiri {3}{W}{W} mythic R25.00 1
Panic Spellbomb Artifact {1} common R3.00 1
Pentavus Artifact Creature — Construct {7} rare R9.00 1
Phyrexian Gargantua Creature — Phyrexian Horror {4}{B}{B} uncommon R4.00 1
Pilgrim's Eye Artifact Creature — Thopter {3} common R4.00 2
Remote Isle Land common R7.00 2
Return to Dust Instant {2}{W}{W} uncommon R14.00 1
Riptide Survivor Creature — Human Wizard {2}{U} uncommon R4.00 2
Sea Gate Oracle Creature — Human Wizard {2}{U} common R5.00 3
Secluded Steppe Land common R4.00 2
Serra Avatar Creature — Avatar {4}{W}{W}{W} mythic R13.00 1
Shaper Parasite Creature — Illusion {1}{U}{U} common R3.00 2
Shriekmaw Creature — Elemental {4}{B} uncommon R14.00 1
Skyhunter Skirmisher Creature — Cat Knight {1}{W}{W} uncommon R4.00 1
Smoldering Crater Land common R4.00 1
Sphinx of Jwar Isle Creature — Sphinx {4}{U}{U} rare R9.00 1
Sphinx of Magosi Creature — Sphinx {3}{U}{U}{U} rare R9.00 1
Sphinx of Uthuun Creature — Sphinx {5}{U}{U} rare R9.00 1
Spitebellows Creature — Elemental {5}{R} uncommon R4.00 1
Tendrils of Corruption Instant {3}{B} common R5.00 1
Tragic Slip (#Retro) Instant {B} common R38.00 1
Unstable Obelisk Artifact {3} uncommon R7.00 4
Volcanic Offering Instant {4}{R} rare R34.00 1
Whitemane Lion Creature — Cat {1}{W} common R4.00 4


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